Gene Simmons broke the news last Tuesday by simply tweeting the poster showing the four bands, but the tweet was later removed. The fan site 'Kissin' UK' did confirm the news on their twitter account, but they too later removed the tweet! We were then left to guess if Gene was trolling or if he wasn't supposed to post the news yet and was told to remove it. But now the news is official, with Download themselves confirming the line-up today.
Motley Crue are currently in the middle of their 'Final Tour', which at present is going across the US and Canada, with some Asian dates booked for early next year. This Download appearance could prove to be the only UK date on the tour, but we'll see when the Crue announce the rest of the dates for the tour.
Slash comes to the UK this November in support of 'World on Fire', and I'll be catching him on one of the dates, so check back here soon for a review of the gig.
You may remember that late last year I made a post on this blog after Gene Simmons said that Kiss would be touring the UK in 2014, but of course that plan was sidelined and the band toured the US with Def Leppard (I am extremely envious of you if you saw that tour by the way!). However Gene Simmons did personally tell me via twitter after that US tour was announced that Kiss would return to the UK soon, saying, in his trademark all-caps, 'RELAX DUDE. WE WILL COME'. Looks like he's making good on his promise!
Before I go, here's a picture to summarise my reaciton to this news:
Anyway, follow me on twitter guys: @danj_101! Thanks for reading!